Final Game Project

Alpha Objectives:

Must be able to generate different types of zombies (Sprinter, Slime, and Tank): When alarm goes off–> then a variety of zombies spawn around parts of map

Generate projectiles at random from Slime zombies:

Projectiles from Slime zombies hurt the player: When Projectile collides with player–> Then projectile disappears along with health from player

Movement horizontally by pressing A and D keys (left, and right):
When keys A and D are pressed–> Then player increases the speed in horizontal direction on which ever key you pressed

Movement vertically from jumping with W key: When W key is pressed—> Then players increases in speed in vertically direction

Game Deconstruction:

Space (Look and Feel Including: sound, lighting, color, walls, doors)

Flat 2-D Black background with brown dirt like ground. Horror like sound. No walls. door at end of level to proceed

Components (Objects and characters the player uses/ interacts with)

Hero dude. Has different types of zombies, some are faster than others and can shoot projectiles. Hero uses Nerf gun to kill zombies. Can pick up grenades to use as explosions. Can jump on different Platforms.

Mechanics (Verbs. Activities the player do over and over)

Controlling Hero dude and getting to end of stage by killing zombies with Nerf gun

Goal (Objectives to win the game)

Rid the island of zombies and kill the zombie leader

Rules (Restrictions on the player)

Can’t touch zombies.. Obviously. 3 heart life system. Can get more hearts from killing zombies.

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